Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Performance Rating Written Report

For example, If the benchmark of dealing 52 cards In 0. 0 minutes Is established, a complete and specific description should be given of the distance of the four hands alt with respect to the dealer, as well as the technique of grasping, moving and disposing of the cards. The benchmark example should be supplemented by a clear description of the characteristics of an employee carrying out a normal performance. A representative description of such an employee might be as follows: a worker who Is adapted to the work and has attained sufficient experience to perform the Job In efficient manner, with little or no supervision.The worker possesses coordinated mental and physical qualities, enabling him or her to proceed from one element to another without hesitation or delay, In accordance with the principles of motion economy. The worker maintains a good level of efficiency through knowledge and proper use of all tools and equipment related to the Job. He or she cooperates and performs at a pace best suited for continuous performance.However, Individual differences between workers still exist Differences in inherent knowledge, physical capacity, health, trade knowledge, physical dexterity, and training can cause one operator to outperform another consistently and progressively. Sound rating characteristics The first and most Important characteristic of any rating system Is ACCURACY. Perfect consistency in rating is impossible. The rating plan with variations greater than Ð’Â ± 5 percent should either be improved or replaced. Time study analysts who to conduct such studies.It is not difficult to correct the rating habits of an analyst who consistently rates high or consistently low. But it is very difficult to correct the rating ability of an analyst who is inconsistent, rating too high today and too low tomorrow. Inconsistency, more than anything else, destroys the operator's confidence in the time study procedure. A rating system that is simple, concise, easily explained, and keyed to well-established benchmarks is more successful than a complex rating system requiring involved adjustment factors and computational techniques that may confuse the average shop employee.Workstation rating Performance rating should only be done during the observation of elemental times. As the operator progresses from one element to the next, using the prescribed method, analyst should carefully evaluate speed, dexterity, false moves, rhythm, coordination, effectiveness, and the other factors influencing output. Once the performance has been Judged and recorded, it should not be changed. However, this does not imply that the observer always has perfect Judgment. If the rating is questioned, the Job or operation should be restudied to prove or disprove the recorded evaluation.Immediately after completing the study and recording the final performance factor if overall rating even elemental rating was used, the analyst can approximate the operator's performance. This gives the operator an opportunity to express his or her opinion about the fairness of the performance factor, and to give his opinion directly to the person responsible for its development. Rating elements versus Overall study On short-cycle repetitive operations, little deviation in operator performance is realized during the course of the average-length study (1 5 to 30 minutes).In such cases, it is perfectly satisfactory to evaluate the performance of the entire study and record the rating factor for each element. Remember power-fed or machine- controlled elements are rated normal, or 100, as their speed cannot be changed at will by the operators. In short-cycle studies, an observer who endeavors to reference rate each element in the study will be so busy recording values that he or she will be unable to effectively observe, analyze, and evaluate the operator's performance.When the study is relatively long (over 30 minutes) or is made up of several long elements, operator p erformance may vary during the course of the study. They can consistently and accurately rate elements longer than 0. 10 minute as they occur. If a study is comprised off series of elements shorter than 0. 10 minute, then no effort should be made to evaluate each element of each cycle of the study, as time does not permit such action. It is satisfactory to rate the overall time of each cycle or a group of cycles.RATING METHODS Speed rating – Is a performance evaluation method that only considers the rate of accomplishment of the work per unit time. In this method, the observer measures the effectiveness of the operator against the concept of a qualified operator doing the same work, and then assigns a percentage to indicate the ratio of the observed performance to performance determine whether it is above or below normal. 100 percent is usually considered normal.A rating of 110 percent indicates that the operator was reforming at a speed 10 percent greater than normal, and a rating of 90 percent would mean that the operator was performing at a speed 90 percent normal. Two tasks were suggested by Preserve (1957) to develop an initial mental model ; (1) walking 3 miles per hour (4. Km/her), that is, 100 feet (30. 5 m) in 0. 38 minutes and (2) dealing a deck of 52 cards into four equal piles closely spaced In one half minute. Time study analysts use speed rating for elemental, cycle, or overall rating.The Westinghouse system One of the oldest used rating system was developed by the Westinghouse Electric Corporation. Then termed leveling, it is outlined in detail in Lowry, Maynard, and Estrangement. This method considers four (4) factors in evaluating the performance of the operator: 1. Skill Lowry defines skill as † proficiency at following a given method,† and further relates it to expertise, as demonstrated by a proper coordination of mind and hands. A person's skill in a given operation increases over time, because increased familiarity with the work brings speed, smoothness of motions, and freedom from hesitations and false moves.The Westinghouse rating system lists these six degrees or lasses that represent an acceptable proficiency for evaluation: Poor, fair, average, good, excellent, and super. 2. Effort This rating method defines effort as a â€Å"demonstration of the will to work effectively. † Effort is representative of the speed with which skill is applied, and can be controlled to a high degree by the operator. The six effort classes for rating purposes are: Poor, fair, average, good, excellent, and excessive 3. Conditions In this performance rating procedure affect the operator and not the operation.Time study analyst rate conditions as normal or average in more than a majority of instances, as conditions are evaluated in comparison with the way they are customarily found at the workstation. Elements affecting working conditions include temperature, ventilation, light and noise. The six general classe s of conditions, with values ranging from +6 percent to -7 percent, are ideal, excellent good, average, fair, and poor. 4. Consistency Elemental time values that constantly repeat would have perfectly consistency.This situation occurs very frequently, as there always tends to be dispersion due to the and effort, erroneous watch readings, and foreign elements. The six classes f consistency are perfect, excellent, good, average, fair and poor. Perfect consistency is rated +4 percent and poor consistency is rated -4 percent. Once the skill, effort, conditions and consistency of the operation have been assigned, and their equivalent numerical values established. For example, if a given Job is rated CA on skill.CLC on effort, D on conditions and E on consistency, the performance factor would be as follows; The Westinghouse rating system demands considerable training to differentiate the levels of each attribute. The procedure generally followed is; 1 . A film is shown and he operation ex plained. 2. The film or tape is reshow and rated. 3. The individual ratings are compared and discussed. 4. The film or tape is reshow and the attributes are pointed out and explained. 5. Step 4 is repeated as often as necessary to reach understanding and agreement.Synthetic rating Morrow (1946) established a procedure known as synthetic rating. This procedure determines a performance factor for representative effort elements of the work cycle by comparing actual elemental observed times to times developed through fundamental motion data. The performance factor may be expressed algebraically HO Where; P= performance or rating factor. Fundamental motion time. 0= observed mean elemental time for the elements used in F. Objective Rating Developed by Mendel and Dander (1994), eliminates the difficulty of establishing a normal speed criterion for every type of work.This procedure establishes a single work assignment to which the pace of all other Jobs is compared. After the Judgment of pa ce, a secondary factor assigned to the Job indicates its relative difficulty. Factors (1) Amount of body used, (2) Foot pedals, (3) Femaleness, (4) Eye-hand coordination, (5) Handling or sensory requirements, and 6) Weight handled or resistance encountered. The rating (R) can thus be expressed as follows: where: P= Pace rating factor. Difficulty adjustment factor. Rating Application R=PIX job The value of a rating is written in the R column of the time study form.After the stopwatch phase is complete, the analyst multiplies the observed time (OR) by rating (R), scaled by 100, to yield the normal time (NT). RATING ANALYSIS TO X 100 Four criteria determine whether or not time study analyst using speed rating can consistently establish values within 5 percent of the rating average calculated by a rope of trained analyst. These are: 1. Experience in the class of work performed. 2. Use of synthetic benchmarks on at least two of the elements performed. 3.Selection of an operator who gives performances somewhere between 85 and 115 percent of standard pace. 4. Use of the mean value of three or more independent studies and/or different operators. To assure speed rating consistency, both with their own rates and with the rates established by the others, analyst should continually participate in organized training programs. One of the most widely used training methods is the observation of audiotapes or motion-picture films illustrating diverse operations performed at different productivity levels.Figure 10-3. A straight LINE indicates perfection, whereas high-irregularities on both sides of the line indicate inconsistency, as well as an ability to evaluate performance. The analyst rated the first film 75, but the correct rating was 55. The second was rated 80, while the proper rating was 70. In all but the first case, the analyst was within the company's established area of correct rating. Note, that due to the nature of confidence intervals, the Ð’Â ±5 percent accu racy criterion is valid only around 100 recent or standard performance.When performance is below 70 percent of standard or above 130 percent of standard, an experienced time study analyst would expect an error much larger than 5 percent. The closer the time study analyst's rating comes to the x-axis, the more correct he/she is. To determine quantitatively an analyst's ability to rate performance, compute the percentage of the analyst's rating contained within specified limits of the known ratings. This can be done as follows: 1 . Compute the mean difference ( CD )between the analyst's rating and the actual rating for n test (n should be at least 15 observations). Compute the standard deviation (SD )of the differences in rating 3. Compute the normal deviate(Z), where; 4. Compute the normal deviate (Z ), where; Z = +5 (or some other figure of accuracy) – CD 5. Compute the area under the normal distribution curve between Ð’Â ±5 (for some figure of accuracy) centered at CD, w hich is assumed to be equal to deed, and Sd which is assumed to be equal to ad Analyst overrated low performance levels and underrated high performance levels. This is typical of novice raters who tend to be conservative raters and afraid to deviate too far from standard performance.In statistical applications, this tendency is termed regression to the mean and result in a relatively flat line compared to the expected line with a slope of one. The novice rater who rates higher than the true value for performance below standard performance produces a loose rate. For performance above the standard, a novice rater who rates lower than the true value produces a tight rate. Straight Speed Rating The performance rating plan that is easiest to apply, easiest to explain and gives the most valid results. Rating Training -To assure speed rating consistency, both with their own rates and with the rates

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Virtual Business Solution

Virtual Business Solution' is a large touch screen products industry in Australia. We are a three years old company with 100 employees split into specialized teams for maximum efficiency. We are based in Brisbane and offer our providing quality products, including tablet, smartness and laptops all across Australia.Aim to expand our business internationally in order to live up to the ‘solution' aspect of our company name, but in order to do so we must first develop our brand within Australia. 2 Analysis of Issue McKinney & Company (2014) propose lean management is described as Focus on the delivering the maximum of value, trust and enable the team to organize their operation, implementing a continuing improvement culture and with a shared vision. Companies reduce returns from years of cost cutting. Managing vendors now consumed many of the gains from outsourcing.Products, were no longer ‘low price', ND Just can't keep it low. Because of keeping up with latest IT technology , and causing barge issue(David J, Feb. 2014, Para. 2). However IT technology is required, on finding ways to do things better, including management. Issues in maximizing customer satisfaction, is a challenge for many companies. The problems were avoidable, however underlying causes went unaddressed, and negative affect to customers. Consistency is the key to making customers happy, which is the aim of this organization.Research by McKinney & Company (2014) suggested that evaluating he customer Journey is 30% more predictive of overall customer satisfaction than individual touch points, which makes increasing customer satisfaction easier to do. Even more importantly, Seeking, T (2013) suggest that improved satisfaction leads to increased customer loyalty. Loyal customers are likely to retain our service and recommend our service to others, thus increasing our customer base and generating more business. By focusing on its strengths, its key customers, and the underlying values they n eed. But, focusing employee is also managers' Job.When an employee is n unwell condition, it can cause decrease in value efficiency to customers. â€Å"Reducing Work Related Stress† (2014) suggests unhealthy levels of stress can also affect work colleagues, the local manager as well as the person's family and friends. Research by McKinney & Company (2014) suggested that work-related stress cause by 3 factors; high professional demand, low control and low social support. Means that stress is more likely in large companies than small ones. Stress small organization dropped from 56% to 46%, where large companies 67% dropped to 54%.Proofed management ere cause of stress. The organizations that work efficiently can provide them support mechanisms so that they can truly master their work. Furthermore Dunn. F (2014) suggested that good relationships in workplaces, prevents stress. When the employees are happy with what the manager does, understand his or her challenges and participa te actively in solving the problems, the manager will have less stress. 3 Conclusion BBS is such a vendor. It serves its clients as a trusted ally, providing them with the loyalty of a business partner and the economics of an outside vendor.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Mapping the Route Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Mapping the Route - Essay Example It can be hard to leave what you are familiar with, and I really admire the owners of the supermarket and knew that they would not be happy to see me go, however it was time to decide on my own. I set a goal of satisfactorily completing a single semester at a local college, just to measure if I could manage it, and much to my surprise I not only finished the semester, I got a credit as well. I got a lot of courage in in this accomplishment, and it actually was not easy, however it afforded me the courage I needed to set life time goals. I realized that I was very good at sciences and how the human body functions. I am now near to complete my diploma in clinical Sciences, having maintained my position as the top student the entire period, and I finally understand that I am being a good model to my son that I always imagined when I was restocking the shelves at the supermarket. I am now planning to take my skills to the next level by pursuing a degree in clinical medicine at University. It is my goal after completing to become a medical officer serving lower income and marginalized communities. I am a naturally a kind person, and due to my lower socio-economic upbringing and life experience, I can relate easily to individuals who may not be willing to go to doctors whom they think as different from them, however whose services they require. I can assist to fill that gap, and thereby encourage more individuals to really get help that they need in a suitable environment. My zeal to my education is sound and I know that, if given the opportunity, I will be able to pass well, and graduate with the education and experience I will require to develop my career as a medical practitioner. I am much relieved and happy to know that I have realized by dream career, and I am ready to start this next level of my education. Obviously the next two years will not be easy- requiring schedules and time management skills – however I

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Dental Office Network Systems Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Dental Office Network Systems - Case Study Example Despite the robustness of the proposed network, the report will details its risks along with its benefits. Network Requirements The entire organization, which has five offices, must connect to a central repository where all data will be stored. Because of this reason, proposed network must have a server to store all files for the five offices. In addition, the need for a fast and reliable network calls for a fast network connection that supports high throughput such as T1 lines. In the new organization, four dentists are mobile, which calls for a provision of remote connectivity such as VPN along with switching services using routers and layer three switches. With the network responsible for securing patient’s data as per HIPPA laws, the network must allow data encryption and authentication of users who access the network. Safety of Information Safety of patient’s data is an paramount goal the proposed network must address effectively. Since the organization will be dea ling with crucial information about patients, all information about patients including admission and treatment records be safe and secure. This will be possible if the files server will encrypt data using encryption such as EAS. Moreover, the network must protect data during transmission using encryption techniques and technologies such as VPN. Among the five offices, the network must allow senders and recipients of data to authenticate before transmission of data. The VPN technologies will mobile workers to connect to the central file server securely without compromising on safety of data (Baldauf & Stair, 2011). The network must also have a firewall and intrusion detection system to prevent any unauthorized access to the organization’s data. Users will also need to authenticate their devices before using the network especially wireless access points due to security concerns. Network Type, Components, Devices, and Equipment for the Network A metropolitan network (MAN) system is the best network type that will match the requirement of the new organization. A MAN network has the capacity to span several cities and capable of delivering high bandwidth connections using existing telecommunication lines (Morley & Parker, 2009). The proposed network will have several components to link the five offices and the remote workers. Consequently, the proposed network will have five routers connected with serial cables in a mesh topology. These routers connect to layer three switches to enable packet switching and separation of departments using VLANS. The switches must have at least enough number of ports and support security protocols such as IPSEC. For remote workers, each will have a laptop and a VPN enabled dongle that will allow them establish a secure connection to the central database. With security being a vital issue, devices such as firewalls and backups devices must be located within the network to improve security and recovery process. Most important, t he network must have a network server that will store all data and identifiable using a static IP address and a secondary backup in the cloud to provide continuity during an outage. The servers must have power backup and standby power generators not to mention hot swap features to avoid taking the server offline during service. Network Design Diagram The network diagram for the proposed netw

Saturday, July 27, 2019

The creation of Clinical pathologic coorelation Research Paper

The creation of Clinical pathologic coorelation - Research Paper Example Neoplasms result from misfolded protein accumulation in the cells cycle, which have the consequential effect of altering clinical characteristics (Wiebe et al. 1158) Why spend time reading relevant clinical history? The determination of the nature and cause of patient’s illness by a health practitioner is called diagnosis. This diagnosis is based on evaluating the patient’s symptoms, the physical findings, and the results of various laboratory tests, together with other diagnostic procedures. Once a diagnosis is reached, a prognosis could be offered, and that would establish the most suitable course of treatment, which serves the patient’s best interest. In pathologic diagnosis, pathologists serve as consultants to the physician. They work with all other medical specialists, using the tools of laboratory medicine to provide information that is essential to problem solving in clinical practice, by interpreting fast and accurate results. In addition, because of the new and highly complex tests increasing in recent years, clinicians rely more on the pathologists to give a comprehensive diagnosis that would enable them to develop an optimal plan of treatment. However, pathologists’ first responsibility is toward the patient. Thus, the importance of clinical information and pathological correlation is highly emphasized and recommended. The emphasis and recommendation stem from the fact that the latter deals with the study of biological recesses with abnormal traits such as infectious diseases, hormone sites, disease manifestation, and exhibited patterns. Therefore, the clinical history is an imperative tool in the evaluation process; it aligns with cytomorphologic features and other molecular findings. Unfortunately, Clinicians and surgeons do not understand the subjectivity of microscopic diagnosis, and it gets more meaningful only when the pathologists are fully informed and cognizant of

Friday, July 26, 2019

Business to Businesss Marketing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words

Business to Businesss Marketing - Essay Example The aim of the report is to provide an analysis of the potential market segment and also evaluates the business potential of the particular target market and the segment in which the firm plans to enter. The report also highlights the marketing strategy which the company performs in order to understand the target market and formulate strategy accordingly to suit the business perspective of the country and the company together. Selection and evaluation of Target Market Business to business marketing differs from that of consumer marketing. In B2B marketing, the volume of purchase are much higher than consumer marketing and as a result the target market must be selected based on the economic growth rate and the number of industries in that particular region. The organizations are of prime concern in case of B2B marketing and not the customers and thus the market selected is UK. UK chemical industries are among those industries which generate profit and are able to increase the economic growth rate of the country. ... The European chemical market involves chemicals such as inorganic, petrochemicals, fertilizers and industrial gases along with fine and specialty chemicals. The market size of Europe alone was estimated to be about USD495billion in the year 2003. Major chemical market includes France, Italy and Germany. If we look at the whole of UK market which covers the base chemicals segment including both organic and in organic chemicals along with specialty and consumer chemicals. UK manufactures a wide range of products and forms one of the largest manufacturing industries and ranks 7th globally in terms of consumption. In the same year 2003, the UK chemicals market was estimated to be USD 40.9billion and was expected to grow even more in the future (ReportSure, 2012). In UK the chemical industries is run and managed by the Chemical Industries Association (CIA) which is regarded as the largest organization which aims to represent pharmaceuticals and chemicals business in UK and across UK (CIA, 2012). LumiCore intent to deal in specialty chemicals such as paints, coating and pigments and according to reports specialty chemicals in the UK covers a market that generates revenue from sales of value added chemicals. Thus the UK specialty chemicals market constitutes of total revenue of $19.3billion in the year 2011 and represented a â€Å"compound annual growth rate† of about 3.2% in between 2007 and also 2011. The performance of the chemical industry in UK is forecasted to accelerate CAGR of about 4.9% for the next five year financial period from 2011 to 2016 which in return are expected to drive in value of the particular market of $24.6billion by 2016 (Business Wire, 2012). The specialty

Critical review on norther canada Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Critical review on norther canada - Essay Example He is one of the most qualified and eminent scientists of fresh water today. Professor John P. Smol is a professor in the Department of Biology and also chairs Environmental Change at Queen’s University. He has rested his entire career to the study of environment and problems related. His work has been widely used in acid-rain debates and in studies related to global environmental change. He has written more than 230 publications and will soon publish his thirteenth book related to environmental issues. In the last ten years he has been awarded 18 medals, fellowships and various prizes for his phenomenal contribution. The article throws light on the impact of climate warming on the Arctic over the North America, Eurasian Arcitic and other polar regions. The authors stress that Arctic is high latitude system which has come under threat due to warm climate and human-caused environmental activities. The paper seeks to refute claims and the widely believed perception that Arctic l akes, ponds and rivers are immune from the impact of activities undertaken by humans. It is explained how changing albeta and cold water biota make them sensitive to climate changes and green house warming only accelerates the process. They suspect Arctic Aquatic fauna to comprise of a high concentration of contaminants due to changes in its lakes and rivers over the years. The purpose of the paper is to point out the gravity of impact of human activities on the Arctic and it is way more than most environmental mangers predict. The authors cite Sprague’s (2006) work â€Å"Great wet north? Canada's myth of water abundance† in pointing out that the flowery stories planted by Canadian media and politicians over abundance of water in the region are a fluke. Sprague’s work is correctly quoted to correct the false impressions people have about the country’s water resources. The biggest strength of this paper is the consistency of the work. The authors of the pa per do not digress. This assertion is repeated again with a plausible concern in the end when Krummel’s (2003) work is cited to explain why in high latitude regions politicians tend to ignore environmental problem. It is well illustrated with a lot of pictures and graphs. The article is well supported with a lot of correctly cited statistical references. For instance, the authors point out Brunskill’s hydrological figures when stating that most lakes in the north have less than one percent of their water replaced every year. However, there are places, where the authors could have gotten into more insight for instance they assert that high exposure to ultra-violet rays can inflict a lot of harm to the DNA in phytoplankton’s and zoo-planktons. Hessen and Williamsons work from the nineties is quoted but without any further explanation. When I piqued through their work, I figured they had also explained how and what causes the damage. Again while specifying how snow cover affects lake properties, they point out by citing Sorwari’s (2003) workthat snow cover can have huge limonological implication. But they failed to cover what kind of limonological limitations? These were some of the minor glitches in the otherwise well researched paper. The authors made it a point to use most of the latest references which was a major plus point. There were only a few places where they had referenced all the way back to papers from 1980s- Carmouse (1983) and Prowse (1985) to name a

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Master of Business Administration in Marketing Essay

Master of Business Administration in Marketing - Essay Example I would also like to thank my band mates, composing good music, sharing every nice moment with me, for their friendship, encouragement, insightful comments and reviewed my work on very short notice. Finally, I would like to thank my family for giving me life in the first place, for educating me with aspects from both the arts and sciences, for unconditional support and encouragement to pursue my interests, even when my interests went beyond the boundaries of language, field and geography. TABLE OF CONTENTS Executive Summary 6 Chapter 1: Introduction to the Business Concept 8 1.1 Objectives 8 1.2 The Band’s Biography 9 1.3 Keys to Success 10 1.4 Imaging Statement 11 1.5 Management Team 12 Chapter 2: Music Industry Analysis 12 2.1 General Music Industry 12 2.2 Michael Porter’s Five Forces Analysis 14 2.2.1 Bargaining Power of Suppliers 16 2.2.2 Bargaining Power of Customers 17 2.2.3 Threat of Substitutes 18 2.2.4 Competitive Rivalry within the Industry 19 2.3 Live Music I ndustry 21 2.4 PEST Analysis 22 2.4.1 PEST Analysis for Mainland China 22 2.4.2 PEST Analysis for Macau 27 2.4.3 PEST Analysis for Hong Kong and Taiwan 31 Chapter 3: Competitor Analysis 35 3.1 Forget the G 36 3.1.2 Evade 36 3.1.3 L.A.V.Y. 37 3.1.4 Blademark 37 3.2 Points of Difference 38 3.3 WhyOceans Analysis 38 Chapter 4: Marketing Strategy and Tactics 43 4.1 Marketing Mix 43 4.1.1 Product 43 4.1.2 Promotion 44 4.1.3 Distribution 45 4.1.4 Price 46 Chapter 5: Financial Plan 46 5.1 Projected Net Income 46 5.2 Sources of Capital 47 5.3 Projected Profit and Loss 47 5.4 Projected Cash Flow 50 5.5 Projected Balance Sheet 52 Chapter 6: Conclusion 52 References 54 Appendix 56 Executive Summary The business plan for the Post-Rock band, WhyOceans, is the result of extensive research via the internet, library and personal communication with a variety of individuals. With thorough research of the music industry, specifically the Post-Rock genre, Mr. Tommy Chu was able to develop a business pl an supporting the promotion of WhyOceans. This business plan focuses on a plan for each of the areas supporting this promotion including marketing, management, technical and financial, to draw some booking agencies or record company managers. These people are able to book the band’s performances and create album sales throughout Macau and begin to spread the music to mainland China. This business plan will show that the band will become successful. Each year, its sales and revenue are planned increases that are an indication of the band’s success. Band Description WhyOceans consists of 6 members based in Macau. Their music combines rock and psychedelic elements and falls into the â€Å"Post-Rock† genre, with roots stretching back to the early days of the Pink Floyd. Post-Rock music is currently an expanding genre. WhyOceans will create a unique stylized image for itself that will help with promotion. WhyOceans’ songs are catchy, melodic and unique. That i s the first selling point for the band. None of WhyOceans’ songs sound the same, and while they are stylistically similar there are noticeable differences. Marketing WhyOceans will employ an integrated mix of low-cost, highly effective tools and

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Obesity and chemistry Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Obesity and chemistry - Essay Example The government spends more than $7000 in medical treatment and lost productivity of a single obese person. Obesity is blamed for more than 160,000 deaths a year. Understanding the factors that lead to obesity Shedding extra weight is very difficult despite the seemingly simple formula of consuming fewer calories than being expended. Dieting is not effective for two thirds of dieters who end up heavier two years after dieting. The National Institutes of Health is spending $800 million annually to understand the underlying causes of obesity with focus on metabolism, genetics and neurology. Highlights of the researches are protein function, signaling pathways in the brain and other organs, obesity genes, and effects of environment on metabolism and weight gain. The large body work has led to understanding of protein interactions that result in energy extraction and distribution; fat production and storage; hunger signals emanating from the brain, and genetic inclination towards obesity. In the brain, the hypothalamus, brain stem, limbic system, and the pre-frontal cortex are involved in controlling hunger and fullness. Metabolic studies show that brown fat is associated with lower weight or leanness in some persons; while the prevalence of white fat is for storage of excess energy, and hence increased weight. Genetic studies identified more or less twenty genes that correlate with predisposition to weight gain, although the effects were later quantified to be modest. Genetic regulators for obesity were identified in mice, but human homologues are not yet known. Possibly, the environment has a large effect on the switching on of genes that predispose an individual to obesity. However, since the results of biological studies have not been translated to a solution for the problem on obesity, the article proposes that the best approach is behavioral psychology methods that have been used for over than 50 years and proven to work in treating autism, alcoholism and stut tering. Behavioral psychology as a solution to obesity In the hope of finding a quick means to losing weight, the public is easy to follow recommendations from researches that are played up by the media. However, the results of the different studies are sometimes in conflict. It is clear that the obesity problem cannot be fixed by a single simple action because of the contribution of many factors. The combination of social, biological, economics and marketing factors make simple solutions to obesity fail. Diets and exercise regimens are also bound to fail because they become more punishing as weight is lost, since more effort is exerted to retain that loss. Furthermore, as the diet and exercise become more severe, the reward (reduced weight) recedes. A less punishing regimen will make more people stick with it. Changing behavior has had the most success in losing modest amounts of weight and keeping off that weight with diet and exercise. This approach involves making small sustaina ble modifications in the eating and exercises habits with the encouragement of people and environment surrounding the individual. The basis for the behavioral approach goes back to more than fifty years when BF Skinner, Harvard university psychologist, developed the science of behavioral analysis. The foundation for the approach is the belief that the workings of the brain are unknown despite advanced science, but physical behavior is measurable and so is the

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Philosophy Final Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Philosophy Final - Essay Example This is applicable because analytic sentences of normal language show a substantial diversity of form and complexity that makes their use in interpretation unreasonable. Although logic is favorable in real time interpretation of concepts, other philosophical applications are also essential in making inferential arguments. Inductive and Deductive Reasoning This reasoning entails evaluation of suggestions resulting from some examples. In this manner, interpretations are made from general ideas to individual instances that suggest truths (Hausman, Kahane and Tidman 5). This concept involves reasoning from detailed observations and processes, which start from discovering patterns and consistencies, articulating some tentative suggestions that are discovered and then formulating a general inferences or theories. The synthesis of ideas from general opinions of specific makes this logic to be called â€Å"bottom up† logic (Burgess 8). For instance, if A is true and B is true, the C i s probable. These logics also employ restrictive probability meanings to signify procedures of the degree to which suggestion statements support theories. Inductive reasoning is probable to fail and produce misconceptions, such as a speedy conclusion mistake. Despite the mistakes made in inductive and considering the level of the limitations, most perception is inductive. For instance, inductive reasoning is applied in cell theory, which is among the basics of current biology uses the concepts of inductive reasoning. This is because all creatures observed are made up of cells. The argument is either true or false because biologists consider that all existing things are made up of cells (Minto 17). On the other hand, deductive reasoning operates to provide the truth of the inference offered that the statement’s evidences are accurate. This explains that, in a deductive argument, the evidences are planned to provide such close support for the deduction that, if the suggestions are true, then it would be inconceivable for the deduction to be untrue. Such an argument where the evidence accurately supports the conclusion is a â€Å"deductively† valid argument. For instance, if A is correct, and B is correct, then C must be true. This means that if a valid claim has true deductions, then the argument is comprehensive and valid. This is approach explains the use of the term "top-down" approach. It entails narrowing down on a topic of interest into comprehensive and specific theories that can be explained (Hausman, Kahane and Tidman 7). However, the variance between the inductive and deductive arguments originates from the connection the author of the claims takes to be between the evidences and the deduction. This implies that if the author of the claim believes that the accuracy of the evidences establishes the truth of the inference due to description, reasonable structure or scientific requirement, then the argument is logical (Burgess 10). On the ot her hand, if the author of the claim does not consider that the accuracy of the evidences establishes the truth of the assumption, but considers that their truth offers good cause to believe the inference true, then the claim is inductive. The two bases of argument help philosophers and authors to make convincing conclusions about their theories or claims. This makes arguments valid and reasonable by the connections derived from claims and conclusions (Burgess 10). Conversely, deductive reason

Monday, July 22, 2019

Death of a Salesman †Arthur Miller Essay Example for Free

Death of a Salesman – Arthur Miller Essay The original title for Miller’s play was ‘The Inside of His Head’. How does Miller’s use of set, lighting and stage direction help us to understand this idea? Arthur Miller wrote Death of a Salesman in 1949. This date is the period after the Wall Street Crash and the Great Depression and this is significant, as one of Miller’s aims in writing this play was that it would be a tragedy that American workers could relate to. The central themes and issues in the play are consumerism and exploitation; Miller wanted to write a play that was critical of capitalism and that would expose the falseness of the American Dream. The original title reflects one of the underlying themes in the play – the central character’s struggle to grasp the distinction between illusion and reality and the past and the present; often Willy Loman’s thoughts and views do not comply with those of the majority of the remaining cast. Miller uses symbolism, set, lighting and stage direction to help us to understand what is happening inside Willy’s head. One of the several symbols that give us an insight into Willy’s thoughts is the athletic trophy. It is placed on a shelf in the sitting room where it can be clearly seen; this demonstrates how important it is to the family. This importance then in turn shows that winning and competition are key ideas here and that this part of the American Dream is important to Willy and he prizes the achievements his son made as they show him as being superior to other people, which is what Willy is always striving to achieve, particularly in regards to Charly. In the same scene is the use of the melody of the flute. It reflects Willy’s father’s success as an entrepreneur (making wooden flutes), something Willy is always striving to achieve, and also the strong influence this has on his son. Also, the actual melody that is being played ‘tell(s) of grass and trees and the horizon’, and reminds us of the stark difference between the life Willy lived as a young child (with the father who he idolises) and the position he is in now; in an overcrowded area of New York, working for someone else (i.e., not working on his own terms, like his father) on commission. Another of the important symbols in the play is the lighting at the end of Act One. Just as Willy is talking about how great Biff was when he was younger, on another part of the set Biff walks into a gold pool of light, which is reflecting the praise Willy is giving him, the gold symbolising the initial power and success that he had. Also, just after this the light fades on Willy, representing the fact that his career, his influence on his children and possibly his life are drawing to a close. A further example of Miller’s symbolism in this play and his manipulation of non-naturalistic elements is in Act Two, the restaurant scene, with varied use of both lighting and music. The first of these symbols is the use of the ‘single trumpet note’ used in conjunction with ‘the light of green leaves’. This initiates the start of Willy’s mind thinking back to an event several years ago, the green of the leaves symbolising the time when the house was not surrounded by high rise flats, noise and pollution. Miller also says that the light ‘holds the air of a†¦ dream’, which is insinuating that at this point in time Willy’s dreams for himself and his children had not yet been ruined. This is upheld by the naturalistic state of his living environment. Throughout the scene the light continues to fluctuate and highlight different places and times. Another important part in this restaurant scene I when the music changes dramatically to accompany the presence of The Woman in Willy’s mind. The music is now ‘raw and sensuous’ highlighting one major part of Willy’s life, at this point in time, that does not fit into the same mould as the rest of his life; he is a family man, supportive of his children and striving to achieve new heights for his family, but now he is doing the very opposite of this by cheating on his wife, and so the music does not reflect any of the other, often light and cheerful melodies played on the flute. Up until Biff discovers his father with The Woman, no one else is aware of her part in Willy’s life, so even at this early stage, Willy will have thoughts inside his head which do not relate to those of an of the other central characters.

Compare and Contrast Essay Example for Free

Compare and Contrast Essay All interesting authors expose their readers to experience the essence of the story. In this case, Toni Cade Bambara uses the illustration of her short story â€Å"The Lesson†, in order to convey the reality of a 1960’s ghetto, African American community through the eyes of a young girl named Sylvia. Sylvia is a young, fearless girl who has an audacious and outspoken nature despite her constant use of profanity and insulting judgments of Miss Moore. Moreover, Toni Bambara’s technique of literacy in this piece is written in a way that transport the readers to another cultural setting that is condemned by a helpless cycle of economic poverty, which Miss Moore attempts to prevent for the future generation. In addition, Toni Cade Bambara uses her colorful style of tone to express the realism and individualistic characteristic of the urban black community of the 1960s through the use of AAVE, which stands for â€Å"African American Vernacular English. † Through this unique style of writing, Toni Bambara’s goal is to challenge or even question society of its unfair economy. Admittedly, it is true that these kids have inherited poor values from their parents. â€Å"It also touches on the irresponsibility of lower class parents when it comes to raising their children (Friedman 2). † This is where Miss Moore, the antagonist, comes in. She tries to show these kids what it means to have opportunity to be successful and have a nice life. â€Å"She’d been to college and said it was only right that she should take responsibility for the young ones’ education. And she not even related by marriage or blood (pg. 183). † The author portrays Miss Moore as being a proper adult figure for the kids as she shows them the world other than the one they live in. In the beginning of the story, many readers are startled at the fact that Sylvia explicitly uses profanity like it is apart of her everyday speech. She states, â€Å"And the starch in my pinafore scratching the shit outta me and I’m really hating this nappy-head bitch and her goddam college degree (pg. 183). † Toni wanted to make Sylvia seem as realistic as possible, and with Sylvia’s lower class, ghetto background speaking properly would not seem as authentic to the setting and situation. As an African American herself, Bambara portrays Sylvia almost as a realistic figure influenced by her childhood. â€Å"This dialect emphasizes the children’s distance from mainstream white bourgeois culture and economic power. However, Bambara also celebrates AAVE to express her self-confidence, assertiveness, and creativity as a young black women (Janet Ruth Heller 1). † At first, Sylvia gives off the impression of being stubborn and loud. She is adverse to Miss Moore’s teachings because simply, she doesn’t understand the underlying messages that Miss Moore attempts to teach these kids. During the exposition, Sugar answers Miss Moore’s question by saying, â€Å"I think†¦ that this is not much of a democracy if you ask me. Equal chance to pursue happiness means an equal crack at the dough, don’t it? (pg. 188)† This moment is the turning point in which changes Sylvia from being a talker to a listener. Although the lesson doesn’t immediately make sense to her, she eventually runs off to let it sink in. After reading the story, the reader is left with a feeling of anticipation for the kids and their future outcome. Although humorous, the story brings up a serious issue of poverty and the economic disparity that these kids experience. Furthermore, at the conclusion of the story Sylvia states, â€Å"We started from the block and she gets ahead which is O. K. by me cause I’m goin to the West End and then over to the Drive to think this day through. She can run if she want to and even run faster. But ain’t nobody gonna beat me at nuthin (pg. 188). † This moment represents hope for Sylvia’s future and her drive to pursue a life other than the one she was brought up to. In this way, Toni wants to convey a message of hope to all kids in Sylvia’s position and that they have to chance to break away from the cycle of poverty and be successful.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

US, Ohio Police Recruitment Steps

US, Ohio Police Recruitment Steps Career Exploration into Policing Criminal Justice Steps in the departments recruitment process The department of the Ohio state police has immense and significant aspects that are usually put into consideration during the recruitment process of potential police officers. Great consideration is taken into serious account where everyone in the recruitment process is considered the same as the other no matter from which particular group one comes from (John   Mike 1996). These recruitment criteria in Ohio and all the parts in the country ensure that there are no minorities or dominant groups in the police department. Before the recruiting process, the recruits have to have the knowledge in mind of what is expected and required of them. Steps in the selection process The police selection process is extensive, complex, and competitive. It basically entails a series of assessment, interviews, and analytical steps intended to choose the overall best candidate to employ to a police division from all that are in great need of the job. A written ability test is usually given to the candidates to ascertain their deductive reasoning written comprehension and expression as pertaining the aptitude tests .in accordance to this the personal interviews. The recruit during the selection process has to ensure that he or she is able to submit a well completed application form to ensure that they are dually assured of the selection process (Robert Kim, 2002). This is followed by a written examination entailing the normal examination usually given. This written examination is set to establish whether the recruit is versed with the writing skills. New advanced test have been developed and great interest has been focused on the use of computer technology in Ohio state police departments. This test is aimed at reducing bias which will tend to favor some recruits and live out the most potential prospects. Conduction of an oral interview is the next step in the selection process where the applicant will be examined on character significant to the police officer place, as well as command existence, truthfulness, program communication skills, open-mindedness for stress, sentence, and certainty. The next step entails psychological testing where the assessment of the ability to make rational decision is considered. this test focuses on the background of the applicant and tries to eliminate cases with past psychological disorders (Robert Kim, 2002).The recruits are then subject to a polygraph examination to ascertain whether the information being given is valid or not. The physical wellness and the medication test then follow in the selection process this are to determine whether the health of the applicant is at risk or not .the medical tests usually focuses more on the wellness and whether the applicant had drugs intake. When all this cases have been tackled, the superintendent reviews the files for clarification. The training process The initial state of training involves the recruit training which is involved in making sure that the officers are able to understand the state laws a fact that provide them with the idea of what their job entails. The officers have to attend a formal training in an academy. The recruits who have recently graduated are usually subjected to the field training to supplement the theory they had passed through at the academies from (John   Mike 1996). They are also subjected to the use of fire arms where the effective use of fire arms are vividly focused and correct identification of the use is proposed. The training also focuses on the in service training where the skills and knowledge of veteran officers is updated. References John D;  Mike N (1996 ) Investigation into the training and non-stop specialized development of members of the P F of. Bristol University of the West of England  -82p Robert L Kim S (2002) Trainers Development Programme: evaluation. Harrogate state Police Training, 146

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Oedipus, The King And Allegory Of The Cave - Comparative Analysis Essa

In Sophocles’ play, Oedipus, the King, there are various instances where Oedipus tries to escape his destiny—enlightenment—only to discover the truth that he cannot. Similarly, in Plato’s â€Å"Allegory of the Cave† the prisoner travails to understand and adjust to his newly visited environment. In both works, the men first had to realize their ignorance before they could begin to acquire knowledge and true understanding of the complexities of the human condition. Specifically, in Oedipus, the King, it was Oedipus’ illusion of himself as a man unequaled in leadership whereas in â€Å"Allegory of the Cave† it was the prisoner’s initial refutations of enlightenment being shown him until he realizes its intellectual, spiritual, and social significance. In both articles of literature, there are places where their ignorance and eventual achievement of enlightenment is highlighted. In Oedipus, the King it is when he is accusing Creon of conspiring against him, calling him a â€Å"murderer† and supposedly having exposed him as a â€Å"robber attempting to steal†¦[his] throne.† Here, he does not yet realize that not only has not Creon attempted to overthrow him, but also that he is not the man who has already figured everything out about humanity as he thinks. He later does, fortunately, discover that he was not the true ill-fated man who never learned anything because he knew everything too soon. He discovers, after piercing out his eyes, that he has finally ar-rived at the truth of his life and that ...

Friday, July 19, 2019

What Makes a Champion? :: First Person Narrative Examples

What  makes a champion?   It is not the trophy.   It is not the talent. Not the salary, the most points, the fastest time, or the most records. It is not even being the best of the best. All of these things are just the benefits of what makes a true champion. You see, the real winners in life are those who have the courage to see the impossible. They are the people who overcome and persevere through all adversity. They learn from their mistakes, and no matter what, they never give up on their dreams. A true champion has VISION...    Vision, by the way, is something I happen to have dealt with in my lifetime. My identical twin sister, Aly, and I were born two-and-a-half months prematurely. Barely tipping the scales at two pounds each, we were placed into incubators, where an over-exposure to oxygen left me visually impaired. (Aly was in a different incubator, so her vision has been unaffected.) Considered legally blind, I have no vision with my right eye, and very limited vision (20/600) with my left eye. I have no perception of depth, and rapidly decreasing vision beyond a few feet. In fact, as I write this, my face is about one inch from the text.    Growing up, Aly and I shared a special bond. Because her vision is normal, she took on the role of one who kept a watchful eye on me as she inspired my independence. She strengthened my will to overcome my disability, too, as we shared common competitive interests. Our relationship was strengthened even more, when at the age of 12, we embarked upon what was to become one of the most rewarding endeavours of our lives to date. . . cheerleading.    It may sound quite improbable that I would have become a cheerleader, especially since I cannot even see the athletes I cheer for, but I never approached it that way. I simply saw cheerleading as an opportunity to see my dreams become reality.    Dreams, as I learned rather quickly, do not just happen by themselves. So, I stayed late at practice quite often where I learned the true meaning of commitment. Strength training taught me self-discipline. My first back flip taught me perseverance. My first stunt taught me balance, in the most literal sense of the word, and my first injury taught me to deal with physical and emotional pain, but it also taught me how to heal.

Breaking Metaphoric Shackles in Toni Morrisons Beloved :: Toni Morrison Beloved Essays

Breaking Metaphoric Shackles in Beloved      Ã‚  Ã‚   In Toni Morrison's novels, she uses her main characters to represent herself as an African American artist, and her stories as African American art, and Beloved is no exception. She does this through her underlying symbolic references to the destructiveness of slavery and the connections between the characters themselves. Syntax is also what makes this novel work, using both the powers and limits of language to represent her African American culture with simple words and name choices.    One of her main characters, Baby Suggs, uses her English with some abandon, but only after getting her message across, however simple it may seem. She might choose simplicity over complexity in speech, but her words carry the needed intensity to express herself in the little time she has left on earth (Dahill-Baue, 472-73). Baby Suggs represents the authentic black woman, having been freed from slavery by her son, Halle. "Suspended between the nastiness of life and the meanness of the dead, she couldn't get interested in leaving life or living it" (Morrison, 3).    Slavery has limited Baby Suggs' self-conception by shattering her family and denying her the opportunity to be who she wants to be, which is a good wife and mother. She is seen as wise and spiritual, even in her last days. "You lucky. You got three left. Three pulling at your skirts and just one raising hell from the other side" (Morrison, 5). What makes her so authentic is her ability to have such control over language, dismissing the "binding shackles of social codes" (Dahill-Baue, 473).    Baby Suggs is not the only main character to hint that slavery it/was an experience that could never be known exactly for what it truly was. Morrison, through all of her characters, remains willing to risk losing her main characters to a past that can be neither seen nor controlled. She uses Sethe to symbolize the border between slavery and freedom, and unexpectedly does not allow Sethe to grow in the novel and escape that painful border (Parrish, 84). Through fragmented rememories, we see that Sethe was frequently treated as an animal in her period as a slave. She once walked in on Schoolteacher giving his pupils a lesson on her "animal characteristics.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Smith Consulting Project

These reviews will bring awareness to the employees that their efforts (or lack of) have not gone unnoticed. They will realize that their performance level is directly proportional to the bonus, so instinctively, employees will strive to do their best in order to maximize the rewards. Encourage employees to further education, or seek professional certifications by offering tuition reimbursement, and bonus or salary perks for successful completion of degrees or certifications. This will let the employee know that the company is willing to invest in him or her, and by extension, he or she is considered an asset.Form an employee relations committee which will plan social activities for employees to take part in. Possible events include: Potluck lunch, Christmas dinner, Charity endeavors (food, clothes, and book drives, etc. ), community cleanups, etc. This is an opportunity for staff members of varied levels to come together and socialize without the constraints of bureaucracy or compan y politics. Clients Engagement Approach can be extended to include the way that a company interacts with its Clients. Similar to the Employee Relationship, the company must find a way to keep Clients happy, and loyal.Failure to do this could result in negative reviews, loss of clients, loss of business, and loss of revenues. The trickle-down effect of this can be disastrous as the company may have to lay off staff in response to decreased income. With this in mind, it is extremely important to maintain good client relations. To achieve this, the company must be mindful to do the following: Obtain clear directives from the client in terms of their expectations. When in doubt, do not hesitate to follow up with the client for clarification. This ensures that both parties are on the same page and prevents miscommunication which can lead to inflict.Always communicate respectively with the client. Always keep an open line of communication. It is extremely frustrating when a client is unab le to contact his or her service provider. Deliver products on time. This fosters reliability and loyalty. Software Development Definition The formal definition of software is a set of written computer interpreted instruction dictating how to process data input and output. The development of software is the process of creating the written set of instructions that meet the requested specification requirements according to customer need.The software development life cycle is the development model to achieve a practical product fitting the description of the specification requirements. The development end-goal is to produce a product that is easily maintainable, productive, and dependable. Methodologies Scrum is the principal software development methodology in practice by Smith Consulting for new software development requests. Scrum is an agile development methodology involving development teams working in unison independent of each other and at the same time interdependent on each te am's work (Tech Target, 2007).The Scrum methodology spawns developmental decisions as a result of active software creation, directing and guiding the development team task to keep on the project timeline and according to specification. The Lean Software Development approach is Smith Consulting secondary software development method in practice. The consideration of the Lean methodology for development is in regard to redevelopment or version upgrade to existing software products. The Lean methodology is a derivative of a project management approach originally developed by the Toyota Motor Corporation (MANS, 2012).The purpose of the Lean approach is to develop a more robust and efficient software product. The development technique is to achieve a reduction in processing overhead. Rework includes removing invaluable features and employing modern coding technique to improve overall program flow. Project Management Project management is a critical function because the prosperity of the e ntire organization depends on it. Since the success of project management depends on the leaders of this company, they should possess a clear business vision that includes IT and business experience.This vision should be established at the ginning of the project and should clarify what is in and outside the scope of the project. The most efficient engagement approach should be one that includes a good line of communication with stakeholders including end-users. These stakeholders should be tasked to show commitment to the project by agreeing to a contract. The project management process should be divided into manageable pieces that are easier to easier to understand and manage. Proper management also includes ensuring the required tools and manpower is available to the teams.The contract should clearly identify who has what responsibility and how they are to be accomplished. Other requirements include: Ensure each process has someone responsible for managing it Identify who is respo nsible for managing costs Identify who and how many analysts and what their functions are Identify contract programmer costs The project will be reviewed on a weekly basis to identify if the company is still on the correct course and if any additional changes or if any previously unknown problems have arrived. Reviews are also a good time to find if any of the key player's ideas have changed and how to approach it if at all.For this project I recommend selecting omen independent of the project to conduct these reviews. Single systems not one-size-fits-all The reason why a single system is not likely to be a one-size-fits-all solution is because you for one have a lot of areas that needs to be addressed. Now, when you look at the legal field in today's world it I becoming increasingly technical-dominated by the availability of technologies that are specific to the legal field as well as the tangible type improvements for both the efficiency and productivity when solutions are impleme nted in many firm's especially law firms.For the firm's broad services you ill have to come up with decisions to purchase and implement specific technologies because it's a heavy part of them all, and the reason for this is because if you choose and well as put in the wrong solutions in place. The work environment will suffer as the staff will also struggle to adapt to the software that is being used, ultimately not taking full advantage of the software or worst case scenario by abandoning the whole system altogether. Another reason why a single system will not likely be a one-size- fits-all is because you will need different systems to be in place like: PracticeManagement Software, and Storing Information and Automation. The biggest reason why a single system is not likely to be a one-size-fits-all is because it will most likely lack the depth of functionality, so by this being said the firm will be looking to find more than one type of solution when it comes down to finding more t han one practice area. One other difference is the level of customization because the one- size-fits-all provides for both front-end as well as back-end but lacks areas and you will need to find a better way to implement everything to work and function properly. Program Specification GuidelinesThis portion of the document should act as a guide for Smith Systems Consulting Software Developers to adhere to closely during the software development phase. This guide will help to streamline the company's way of determining requirements, and incorporating them into the developing program. The uniformed approach will ensure that the same level of care and attention is bestowed on all of Smith Systems Consulting projects – no matter what size or budget. Stakeholders A project's stakeholder is anyone who will be affected by, or who has an interest in the project's progress and execution.Stakeholders in a systems development project usually include (but are not limited to) the project's users, Information Technology department, the affected department(s)'s manager, members of the company's upper management, the chief financial officer (SCOFF), and the company's president. Prior to entering the requirements elicitation phase of the project, it is imperative for the development team to make a list of all stakeholders, as they will play an important role in defining the system's requirements.User Requirements User requirements refer to the unique functionality aspects of a system that are accessory for the user to accomplish his or her Job. In order for the programmer or system developer to fully understand what the resulting program is meant to do, it is important to discuss the functionality details with those who know the operation best – the users. The users will provide in-depth and clear understanding of the inner- workings of the system as well as the crucial tools and functions that are necessary for optimal performance.The development team should be p repared to use various methods to elicit the requirements so that feedback is gathered from all of the users that were nitpicked for the task. Some common methods for gathering requirements are surveys and face to face interviews. Where necessary, the developer should also be prepared to offer an anonymous system to collect requirements in order to protect the identity of the user – should they so desire that mode. The users play a profound role in system development.By offering different avenues for feedback and requirements retrieval the company is maximizing the amount of data it receives and therefore ensuring that all bases are covered in the resulting product. Once the business development plan has been created it is important to consult with the users again. This ensures that the requested functionality and tools are accounted for and helps to prevent any costly misunderstandings in the future. System Security Requirements To describe the security requirements in the c ompany's policy it must first define in detail what data it is expected to handle.This requires working closely with the clients to gain an understanding of the confidentiality and importance of data. Once that is established, and then the types of employees who will have access to certain levels of data should be clearly described in terms of security levels. System Security sting will focus on the following tasks: Sign-on procedures This determines the security of passwords and defines when and how often users are expected to change them. Password reset methods will also be defined in the policy.In addition a method of accessing the system through back-door methods should be described as a means of access in case of an emergency. Database security Access to the database is described here. This highlights which users have access to applicable data and which are designed on a need to know basis. Physical security Here the physical security of the equipment associated with the busine ss to include reward such as workstations and servers are described. Cameras will be installed at strategic locations along with bagged access points to minimize the possibility of the theft of physical property.Third-party tools Establish an understanding with vendors to ensure their continued partnership is dependent on their ability to match our system security standards. Test environment A secure test environment ensures that only required personnel have access to the testing environment. Additionally, a test environment is a safe environment to prepare changes before officially rolling them out to the company as a whole. The yester security of Smith Consulting will require compliance with semi-annual evaluations from an outside source to determine an evaluation of security precautions, procedures, and vulnerabilities.The results of the evaluation are to be maintained along with the policy instruction so that the requirements of future evaluations can be validated against past t ests. Software Platform Compatibility Requirements Software compatibility is an important part of the process of software development. Compatibility is first determined by which operating system(s) the software to be developed will be designed to run on successfully. A determining factor may be what system the company is using now or what the computer they may be using in the future.For example, there may be some issues with Windows XP but the company may be set to release Windows 8 machines as part of the role-out of the new software. In this case it is best to design software compatibility for the Windows 8 machines. The same can be said with servers if the software will be network based. Additionally the company may consider running their services from the cloud. In this case the software compatibility may be no more than ensuring a compatible browser such as Internet Explorer, Firebox or Chrome.Each scenario is different and is precisely one of the reasons why each company will require a customized Software Platform Compatibility Requirement list. Database Application Testing Requirements This section will serve as a generic methodology of Smith Consulting approach to database application testing requirements. The objective is to document a reusable database performance evaluation strategy regardless of database vendor or design specification. Additional testing steps may be applicable per vendor recommendation.Any additional steps are a project plan requirement used in injunction with Smith Consulting guidelines of database verification. The intention of database examination is for conducting a systematic test to validate data structure and data integrity during user software application read write performance testing. Assumptions Database performance testing in conjunction with software application database read write operations assumes the database architecture and structure development is to specification and logically designed.An additional assumption is the development of indexes, views, triggers, stored procedures, and functions exist and the database is available for software unit testing. Data Mapping Data mapping is a validation process to ensure end-user data entry form fields correspond with the mapped database table fields. The expected result of the verification of the retrieved data from application input must be consistent with the outlined data model from the database data dictionary. The only acceptable result will prove data writes to the designated table or tables and is congruent with format, length, and type of the data definition.Stress Testing The purpose of stress testing a database is to understand the performance and reliability during heavy user interaction. Performing a high volume stress test assessment is essential to uncover database bottlenecks resulting in long response times and slow performance. A stress load is performed by simulation of a designated number of application users. The load variance selection shall simulate, according to project specification, the average number of end-users, below average number of end-users, slightly above average number of end-users, and five times the average number of end-users.The load simulation will create scenarios where users concurrently query against and write to the same table and numerous tables across he database. Result failure requires documentation and further evaluation for database optimization. Failure also warrants a hardware design team consultation to determine if the hardware is sufficient to handle the transaction load simulation. Transaction Isolation Transaction isolation verification tests the database reaction during the occurrence of multiple table transactions taking place at the same time. A realistic situation exists where various read write requests will be present concurrently.While the scenario is unavoidable in a multi-user environment the state of the database is at risk during a existing read write reques t. The performance outcome ought to appear as though each database demand executes one right after the other. Depending on the applied transaction isolation level, record locks are set in accordance with the transaction call (Microsoft SQL Server, 2012). The importance of testing transaction isolation validates read and write record locking, how long the locks are held, and the on-screen response time of the simultaneous operations.The transaction isolation testing is a sub-set testing situation of the database load testing. Isolation result documentation hall include the number of transactions, the response time of the transaction, and note the accuracy of the data read write. Data integrity errors must be reported to the database design team as well as the software design team for evaluation. Required submission includes the detailed steps of the data integrity inaccuracy for reproduction of the error.Budgetary Constraints Testing is the most widely used approach to ensure softwar e quality but it also can be the most cost and time-consuming. To ensure the project for Smith Consulting stays in the green for budget concerns the project is scheduled with strict deadlines. Some cost overruns are normal for any project but the goal is to minimize the impact. Wars to accomplish these goals include defining clearly the responsibility of everyone involved with the project with clear methods of holding them accountable for their parts. Setting a financial goal is the best method to maintain a budget constraint.The project budget estimate should be accurately documented for management and the estimate should include when and how to handle costs associated with manpower in the event more help is required. The project statement should include a scope that is clearly defined in the beginning of the project. In situations where budget cuts may affect the ability to complete the project, managers should always start with physical resources before staff cuts. In more dire s ituations (where personnel are at risk) the standard remedy is to fill necessary positions with staff covering other potions to fill in until the financial situation has recovered.This design will ensure the impact on the project for the customer is minimal and will also prove our procedures are detailed. Software Testing To qualify new software for production the development team performs a multitude of readiness tests. Qualified software must pass the following tests: Integration, Compatibility, Functionality, Usability, Security, Load/Stress, Documentation, Implementation, Automation, Support, and, Debugging. The following sections will highlight the various testing methods that Smith Systems Consulting uses to ensure product reliability and competency.Performance Testing Meeting the needs of a company and client is a performance requirement of software engineering. Performance testing is a routine performance evaluation that determines how the system will behave. The behavior co rresponds with the terms of responsiveness along with execution stability under a system initiated workload. One major thing that performance testing can serve well in is to measure, validate, investigate, or even verify all other attributes that are set up within the system such as: the reliability, resource usage, and scalability.To monitor the system's performance, it is important to perform the steps that are highlighted in the following sections. Integration Testing While software is generally produced to perform specific Job functions, it is important and efficiency encouraging to incorporate integration with other applications. For example, an accounting information system would benefit from company database integration, as well as Microsoft Excel and Adobe Acrobat report saving integrations. Lately, it has become commonplace for programs to include software integrations as they incorporate the Software Oriented Architecture platform.With this in mind, it is extremely importa nt for the development team to iron out the integration kinks before the software is released. To ensure that product integrations are functioning properly, the program testers have to: Identify all of the integrated programs and software Determine the associated version numbers that the program is being tested on. For ACH integration, perform in-depth testing. If the integration is not working well, the tester will have to troubleshoot, and possibly contact the product team of the integrated product or service.When the integration is working properly, the version number should be noted. When the program is released to the public, the integrated programs' version numbers that the program has passed the integration tests for should be displayed within its documentation as verification of compliance. Compatibility Testing Within an organization, there are many different platforms and software at use. In order for the company to be successful, all of the information systems must be abl e to communicate with their respective devices.The company's architecture must be built so that this wide web of services, and products are working in tandem with each other, and are able to co-exist in an unobtrusive manner. Ensuring this prevents software incompatibility issues, which can prove to be very costly. As an example, if an organization is only using Microsoft Windows devices, it would not make sense to purchase Office for MAC or other proprietary Apple software that do not integrate with the Microsoft Windows platform.Similarly, if a seer wanted to use the Microsoft Skydive feature which allows them to connect to a remote PC, they will be unhappy to learn that Microsoft Windows 8. 1 does not support this. Performing compatibility testing showcases the limitations of the software and allows the programmer to compile a list of programs and versions which works with the system. Compatibility testing involves: Determining the software that the program is required to maintai n compatibility with. Performing thorough compatibility testing.If the system is found to be incompatible with the software already in place at the organization, the programmer just reevaluate, troubleshoot, and redo the section in question to make sire, Once the software is deemed compatible, the version numbers must be noted for inclusion in the project description documentation. Usability Testing One important factor when running an analysis on a potential client for Smith Systems Consulting is usability. Usability, by definition, are asking the questions is this â€Å"capable of being used† or is it â€Å"convenient and practicable for use† (Usable, 2014).Each organization that SC approaches will answer this question differently. What one company deems as an important and commonly used featured may be impolitely ignored by the next. This is why usability is so important. Another way of looking at usability is trimming the fat. If a company doesn't need certain feat ures than it really should be noted as not needing to be produced. This cuts down on production times and overall costs to the client making a more efficient project in the end.Functionality Testing To follow up with this of course it must be determined what is to be used most commonly and ensure that this is how the client envisioned. What is most important is that organization Smith Systems Consulting is working with feels they are getting apt attention and one certain way to do that is make the client feel as though they've been listened to in the usability and functionality fields. Functionality is defined as â€Å"the particular use or set of uses for which something is designed† (Functionality, 2014).In this notion it is clear that functionality is heavily tied to usability. How something is used is in relation to how it is designed. When Smith Systems Consulting designs their products it is important to keep the user and usability in mind. These are both best accomplis hed by performing speaking with users who will e using the product – especially those who may assist in any beta testing. If the end users and stakeholders provide a clear vision then the project should be nothing less than a success when the developers attain that goal.Load/Stress Testing Each organization that Smith System Consulting will be working with will have their own unique technology environment they will be operating in. The more that SC knows of these environments the more they can consider potential benefits or weakness that can be considered. Once these have been considered then a test environment can be established. What makes a good test environment is running the intended software in mock environment, ideally on a system with near identical computer specs. This would include running on the same operating system and using the same amount of RAM, processing power, and hard drive utilization.Once these parameters have been set then a server / client test can be run – ideally in a virtual environment. Once the program is operating on the network with an average number of computers connected and using the software then it can be fair to say this running a load test – that is a test within normal operating parameters. To fully stress the system would be to mimic running the network at high capacity. This may include either a high number of concurrently connected users or the server carry a high load of responsibilities, such as sharing heavy SQL queries in addition to the software testing.Debugging Debugger or debugging tool is a computer created software program that allows the programmer to test as well as debug other types of programs. Therefore, with debugging the software plays a major factor because when a program is debugged, the programmer will find errors such as missing coding areas when creating the program. For example imagine that a developer created a weeping and he or she wanted to place a picture on it but wonder ed why the picture wouldn't display. Debugging the program can assist the developer with diagnosing and fixing the problem that is causing the program to malfunction.This goes to show that having a debugger is a worth tool for correcting programming errors. Software Security Assessment The purpose of a software security assessment is to identify and expel code vulnerabilities prior to customer delivery. Identifying the presence of a code-layer exposed vulnerability is a fundamental action for conforming to a high standard. A good quality assurance model involves proactive steps to extinguish security flaws. Smith Consulting must guarantee the customer a secure product release and reduce the risk of threat exploitation via a thorough security testing regiment.Definition Software Security Assessment refers to testing criteria to establish threat resistant software. Testing shall demonstrate the software's ability to withstand the attempts of infiltration with mall-intentions. Strategy Examination and assessment validate the absence of typical security errors exposing subjection to threat according to the Common Weakness Enumeration (The MITER Corporation, 2011). Black Box Testing The black box testing strategy involves the use of a testing group with no working knowledge of the software code structure, engineering, or implementation plan (Michael, Van Wok, & Radicchio, 2005).Black box testers employ hostile approach to penetrate an application's security to identify bounds unknown during OSDL design and implementation phases. White Box Testing The white box testing strategy involves an orderly one-to-one validation source code is according to design specification and expected security components exist. The key preference from the black box testing is the assessor possesses an intimate knowledge of application code and construction (Mono, No Date). Analysis scans source code for common development faults identified from the Common Weakness Enumeration.The tester also keeps a lookout for seemingly harmless routines that can act as a back door for intrusion. Authentication Testing Authentication testing is a method of determining if a process or end-user is legitimate. The objective is to understand how the authentication process behaves and use that information to circumnavigate the authentication mechanism. Types of authentication tests are as follows: 1 User Enumeration – a brute force test using a valid user credential to determine if uncovering the authenticating password is possible (SPAS, 2012). Dictionary Testing – a method for determining common words found in a dictionary exist in a user passers (SPAS, 2012). 3 Password Recovery – the method to test the authenticity of a password reset or forgotten password request (SPAS, 2012). 4 Race Condition Testing – identification of multiple processes executing simultaneously that modify the same data (SPAS, 2012). Documentation A good method of documenting process es in Smith Consulting products is to mirror the practices of life-cycle management tools that are in compliance with the Serbians-Cooley Act.A sound business in today's environment should focus their efforts on automation development and documentation processes. Smith Consulting documentation procedures will involve in audit process that will identify who has accessed code and what changes have been made. The documentation process will also include the ability to track what testing and assurance of quality has occurred during the construction of the project. In addition, the procedures will also include the ability to change parts of an existing project that have been determined to fall out of the scope of the goal of the business vision.The idea behind aligning documentation testing procedures with the described Act is to yield rewards such as rework reduction by automating change management aspects of programming within a project (Heavenliest, 2006). In doing so, the replacement of old paper-based software development tools with change management and code-management tools that allow Smith Consulting to monitor change request within the software development process by attaching electronic signatures to the software. This further alps the rework elimination process by verifying that the documentation changes in line with the goals of the business.The different documentation types are listed as: Source Code Unit Test Report Software Test Procedure (provides instruction on how to test each component of a project) Code Explanation Report Implementation At times, in the implementation of test procedures it may become necessary to perform target testing to prove critical functions and reduce the risk of large amounts of rework. Prior to the testing of each unit the developer is required to update the test procedure for conducting each test and record the results as scribed in the documentation procedure.In situation where more tests are required they will be compl eted as needed in order to satisfy those implementation requirements. Developers are required to implement and test development projects in accordance with coding standards and methods outline in the Software Engineering Manual. All unit test results are maintained in the Unit Test Report. Automation The automation method requires that the development framework is separate from the test automation tools. The framework as designed is flexible enough to adapt to changes that the environment or the project may bring.The purpose of utilizing this method is because it is low costing. Implementing the test automation is a full- time effort that requires significant time and up-front investment. Automated tests are scheduled at 1,250, every other day. The only change to the automation procedure is if there is an unforeseen change to the business requirement that suggests a change should be made. Since automation is such an exhaustive task, it is reserved for projects on an enterprise level that expect multiple releases. The approach that Smith Consulting will use for its development projects is Test

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Prohibition Research

Others suggested that those who drank should be D hung by the tongue beneath an planer and flown over the country o exiled to ingress camps in the Aleutian Islands o excluded from whatsoever and all churches o forbidden to embrace tortured o branded o whipped o sterilized o tat overlyed o placed in battleship cages in public squares o forced to start out two ounces of caster oil a executed, as well as their result to the fourth generation. A major prohibitionist group, the Womens Christian Temperance Union (WEST) taught as scientific fact that the majority of beer drinkers exit from droopier (edema or swelling). bar agents routinely skint the law themselves. They shot innocent stack and regularly destroyed citizens vehicles, homes, businesses, and vii some other valuable property. They even il legitimately sank a large Canadian ship. Bathtub gird got its get word from the fact that alcohol, glycerin and juniper remand was mixed in bottles or jugs too tall to be filled w ith water from a sink tap so they were commonly filled under a bathtub tap. The speakeasy got its name because one had to mouth a code word or name through a slot in a locked door to impinge on admittance. parapet led to widespread disrespect for law. hot York City alone had about cardinal thousand (yes, 30,000) speakeasies. And even public leaders flaunted their disregard for the law. They included the Speaker of the joined States House of Representatives, who owned and operated an illegal still. approximately desperate and unfortunate people during Prohibition falsely believed t hat the undrinkable alcohol in antifreeze could be make safe and drinkable by filtering it through a loaf of bread. It couldnt and many were earnestly injured or xi killed as a result.In Los Angels, a jury that had comprehend a smuttyging case was itself commit on trial after it drank the proof. The jurors argued in their defense that they had simply been sampling the evidence to determine whe ther or not it contained alcohol, which they mulish it did. However, because they consumed the evidence, the defendant charged with bootlegging had to be acquitted. When the ship, Washington, was launched, a bottle of water sort of than xiii Champagne, was ceremoniously broken crosswise its bow. Prohibition led to a savage in the cruise industry.By taking what were announce deed as cruises to nowhere, people could legally consume alcohol as in brief as the ship entered international wet where they would typically cruise in circles. depicted object Prohibition not only failed to disallow the consumption of alcohol, buy led to the prolonged production of dangerous unregulated and tax-free alcohol 01, the development Of organized crime, increase violence, and massive political irruption. The human dead body produces its own supply of alcohol by nature on a continuous basis, 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Therefore, we always have alcohol in our bodies.Prohibition clearly benefited some people. Notorious moonshiner AY Capons made sixty million dollars Per year (untaxed ) while the average industrial player earned less than $1 ,OHO per year. simply not everyone benefited. By the time Prohibition was repealed, nearly 800 gangsters in the City of bread alone had been killed in battleground shootings. And, of course, thousands of citizens were killed, blinded, or xviii realized as a result of drinking contaminated bootleg alcohol. The Father of Prohibition, Congressman Andrew J. Evolutes, was defeated soon after Prohibition was imposed.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Psychoanalytic Perspective on Personality Development

Psychoanalytic Perspective on Personality Development

Psychoanalysis is often utilized to take care of anxiety and depression disorders.2. )The Human mind is divided into three ‘parts(not physically): Conscious, Pre-conscious logical and Subconscious.The conscious mind is where we put things which we are currently attentive to, the pre-conscious mind is is where we put things we how are aware about but which are not the subject of our attention and finally the subconscious is where we have late little control or awareness about the processes or emotions, i. e.Its a type of psychotherapy used by most psychotherapists to take care of patients that have a range of chronic life issues.Ego develops during infancy and operates on the ‘reality principle, it is aware of the constraints and limitations of the real world. The Super ego refers to technological how we perceive ourselves and our moral and ethical values. In this model the function of Ego is to balance the Id and Super Ego within the constraints and limitations of the real world. 4.

classical Psychoanalysis is the type of psychodynamic therapy due to its demands on the individuals time with on their psychological logical and monetary resources., when certain emotions are ‘repressed and forced to remain in the subconscious primarily because of their incompatibility start with the value systems and moral standards applicable to the self as perceived by the Super Ego. This is done through ‘defence mechanisms. Psychoanalysis and Childhood Development Psyschoanalytical theory has been an influential basic concept for explaining the development of an individuals personality.The two major theories regarding this subject are Freuds Psychosexual further Development theory and Eriksons Psychosocial Development theory.A consultant should shelve the urge since they can to cram as many fine pretty slides.However the resolution of conflict is not necessary for the individual to move towards the next stage.The eight stages of Eriksons economic theory are outl ined below: a. )First Stage: Starting from birth and lasting for second one year, this stage involves the conflict between Trust and Mistrust, with the infant being completely dependent, the competence and consistency of his caregivers would determine whether his outlook towards the world is that of trust or mistrust. b.

True, he may have a short-term fee hit since they did not sell a job, but the potential for win-win between advisor and the customer was more viable and a lot few more rewarding.)Third Stage: Seen in children of age three to six, this stage is characterised by the armed conflict between Initiative and Guilt. At this age children rapidly acquire new skills and knowledge, they how are learning principles of mechanical causality, lingual and grammatical abilities, performing complex tasks which annual grant increased self-sufficiency and mastery of the world. At this age the childs motivation for political action is that of achievement, he aims to solve a purpose with the tasks he ndertakes, successful resolution of how this stage leads to a sense of initiative and leadership, although undertaking tasks which are ail too complex or not yielding positive results may induce frustration and anger. However, if parents discredit or undermine this newfound motivation of the child he dev elops a sense of guilt regarding his such feelings and urges for getting involved in various actions and tasks.Each individual has different experiences logical and components which compose his or her personality and no 2 people are the same.Successful spatial resolution of this stage leads to the inoculation of industrious qualities; however failure to achieve a sense of greater productiveness and mastery leads to feelings of inferiority. e. )Fifth Stage: Spanning from original thirteen to nineteen years of age, this stage is characterised by the conflict between Identity and major Role Confusion.During adolescence, children explore their independence and develop a sense of self.

Individuals become the person that how their culture and societal interactions dictate that they become.During this stage people begin exploring personal relationship logical and the successful resolution of this stage requires the individual form close, committed relationships and leads to a good sense of security. Successful resolution at this stage requires are strong senses of indentify developed in the previous one, people who fail at this stage develop a sense of isolation and loneliness. g. )Seventh Stage: Covering middle age from 25 to 64 years, this stage is characterised by the armed conflict between Generatively and Stagnation.In the realm of Freud, it.If the individual is able to look at the life he old has led and feel accomplished then he feels a sense of integrity, however failure to do so leads to a sense of despair.Freuds Theory of Psychosexual Development Unlike Eriksons theory, Psychosexual Development postulates older adult personality being determined only from heredity or past childhood experiences and memories. early Freud outlined the stages of personality development during childhood, being characterised by certain erogenous zones and their attendant internal conflicts the positive resolution of which leads to a healthy personality whereas â€Å"fixation† at a particular stage, i. e.

They dont delight in suffering.)Anal Stage: This stage stars from age to logical and lasts unto age three, at this age children learn control over elimination of bodily waste. Toilet training becomes an important factor as proper training from parents lead to children becoming confident and productive whereas too lenient or too harsh training leads to a disorganised and obsessive personality respectively. . )Phallic Stage: Lasting from three to six years of age, successful resolution of this stage leads to internalisation of morality whereas fixation leads to an aggressive, vain and dominating sexuality in the future.Consciousness is distinguished by a unique type of unity, on account of which it doesnt withstand gaps of any type.References: 1. ) Slater, Charles L. (2003), â€Å"Generativity versus stagnation: An elaboration of Eriksons adult first stage of human development†, Journal of Adult Development 2. ) Erikson, Erik (1956).

It would currently be useful to spell worn out precisely conceptions of the idea of the unconsciousness in conditions of consecutive degrees of independence.Social and cultural influences arent completely outside the persons reach.Freuds influence is still huge and pervasive.Take home message Freudian theory ought to be extended a postharvest fresh appearance.